
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile

Email: morchard [@] ing.uchile.cl

Dr. Marcos E. Orchard is Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Universidad de Chile, Director of the Center for Sustainable Acceleration of Electromobility (CASE), Principal Investigator at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María), and Associate Researcher at the Center of Energy (Universidad de Chile). He is also Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Prognostic and Health Management.

His current research interests are the design, implementation and testing of real-time frameworks for fault diagnosis and failure prognosis, with applications to battery management systems, electromobility, mining industry, finance, and crime risk prediction. 


Centro de Aceleración Sostenible de Electromovilidad (CASE)

Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Principal Investigator

Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile

Associate Researcher

Center of Energy

Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Universidad de ChileSantiagoChile


Chilean Association of Automatic Control (ACCA)

Chilean NMO of IFAC